Saturday, April 13, 2013

"Fight or flight" response during stress
"Fight or flight" response during stress was first described in 1932 by one of the early pioneers in stress research Dr Walter Bradford Cannon - American professor physiologist from Harvard Medical School. "Fight or flight" response during stress starts working when human body experiences shock or perceives different kinds of threat – body quickly releases so called “stress hormones” that help to survive. Stress hormones mobilize body resources and help us to run faster and fight harder. Stress hormones increase heart rate and blood pressure - delivering more oxygen and blood sugar to power important muscles. At the same time, stress hormones increase sweating in an effort to cool hard working muscles (helping them stay efficient).
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Who invented stress balls?
Millions of women suffer from stress every day and easy stress management and control becoming really necessary.
Stress balls could be considered as easy effective stress relief method and stress balls could be recommended to many women – they could be used easily any time any anywhere (while on the phone, during meetings, while reading, during relaxation).
Stress balls are coming from Chinese culture during the Ming Dynasty. The earliest form of modern stress balls was small balls of iron made by a blacksmith in the town of Baoding – this is why in nowadays stress balls could be called "iron balls" in Boading, China.
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The terminology “Eustress” was suggested by Dr Hans Hugo Bruno Selye who was a pioneering Hungarian endocrinologist – he was the first person who defined stress. Dr Hans Selye was recognized as "father" of stress research – he first demonstrates the existence of biological stress (body's nonspecific response to a demand placed on it). Dr Selye actually explained that human body has a certain reaction to any demands that are placed on it (physically, psychologically, or mentally).
The word “Eustress” consists of two parts - the prefix “eu” derives from the Greek word meaning "well" or "good" + the word “stress” = all together means Positive Stress or Good stress.
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Distress is a kind of stress you cannot handle – if something negative is “attacking” and/or threatening you and you cannot adapt to this stress. Generally speaking, negative stressor causes distress - it occurs when your body cannot return to normal relaxed state even in the absence of the stressor. Very often distress called “negative stress” or “bad stress”.
Distress is the most common type of stress experienced by women and distress is a cause of many negative disturbances including menstrual dysfunctions, anxiety, fatigue, depression, unhappiness, loneliness and even several illnesses.
In most cases distress blocks positive emotions, happiness, positive feelings and success. If distress prolonged, women could become emotionally, mentally and physically disturbed and sometimes even very sick.
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What is stress management?
Nowadays stress management refers to a wide spectrum of different techniques which help to deal with stress, to reduce the negative effect of stress, to avoid stress, to prevent stress and to control any type of stress. Actually the stress management is a wide variety of techniques, methods and procedures to handle stress.
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