Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Surrogacy involves using one woman's uterus to implant and carry the embryo and deliver the baby for another person or couple. Unlike traditional surrogacy, a gestational surrogate mother is in no way biologically related to the baby or surrogate babies she carries. The woman that carries the pregnancy is called the surrogate, "surrogate mother" or "gestational carrier". She is merely the carrier of someone else's biological child.
It is most often done utilizing IVF (in vitro fertilization) but is sometimes done with intrauterine insemination (IUI). This form of surrogacy is becoming increasingly popular, as advances in the success rates of IVF grow.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or person. This woman may be the child's genetic mother (called traditional surrogacy), or she may carry the pregnancy to delivery after having an embryo, to which she has no genetic relationship, transferred to her uterus (called gestational surrogacy). Surrogacy is often seen as an alternative to adoption, although adoption may be part of the process. Surrogacy occurs when a woman who is not pregnant agrees to bear a child for another/others who will parent the child. What differentiates surrogacy from designated adoption - where pregnant and adopting parents connect with one another prior to the birth and make an adoption plan - is that the surrogate, the woman who will bear the child, is not pregnant at the time a surrogacy agreement is reached.
Discover ALL about SURROGACY.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


You and your partner are ready to become parents and you start thinking about trying for a baby, or maybe you have already been trying for some time without any luck. It is very important to know that even for healthy couples there are some risk factors for infertility which should be avoided before planning pregnancy.

There are risk factors for female infertility, some risk factors for male infertility and some factors which could damage fertility of both partners.
DISCOVER all possible risk factors for female infertility and try to avoid it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Each year millions of people and couples are affected by infertility, yet there are many simple ways to prevent infertility from affecting you. It is always easier to prevent infertility than treat it.
If you are planning happy healthy family, it is better to know what could prevent you from suffering infertility in your future life. Some causes of infertility are related to lifestyle or other health conditions.
DISCOVER how infertility can be prevented.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Fertility charting is performed to monitor and check a woman's fertility during her monthly cycle. Charting fertility signs can be helpful in diagnosing and resolving fertility issues such as problems with ovulation. There are three steps involved when charting: 1) Checking your basal body temperature (temperature upon waking) every day; 2) Checking your cervical mucus; and 3) Checking the position of your cervix.
Discover ALL about successful fertility charting.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

INFERTILITY - general information

The general understanding of the word “INFERTILITY” is that despite regular sexual intercourse, without any form of contraception, a couple is unable to get pregnancy. Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying OR six months, if a woman is 35 or older. Women who can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertile.
It is estimated that one in six couples face difficulties in conceiving. If you have had unprotected regular sex for more than 12 months (or six months - if you are over 35) and are still not pregnant, you should start thinking about possible causes for your infertility.
Infertility can be primary or secondary. Primary infertility describes couples who have never been able to become pregnant after at least 1 year of unprotected sex (intercourse).
Secondary infertility describes couples who have been pregnant at least once, but have not been able to become pregnant again.
Discover ALL about INFERTILITY.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Male Contraception - Heat Method

There are only two options of male contraception nowadays: condoms and vasectomy. Of course, such a limited choice cannot satisfy all the needs of a modern man, who gets more and more interested and involved into the birth control and family planning issues. Though there is too little official information about the development of new contraceptives for men, the alternatives do exist.
Heat method is one of the alternative ways of contraception, which can be used by men only. Enlightening the key points of this free, affordable, completely reversible, but still controversial and unexplored method of male birth control is the goal of this article.
Discover ALL about Male Contraception "Heat Method".