Saturday, January 21, 2017

Fight cancer by changing lifestyle

According to WHO (World Health Organization), the number of new cases of cancer is expected to rise by about 70% over the next 2 decades. Among women the 5 most common types of cancer are breast, colorectal, lung, cervix and stomach cancer. Among men, the 5 most common types of cancer are lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver cancer. According to health experts, about third of cancer deaths are due to few behavioral and dietary risk factors including obesity (increased body mass index), low fruit and vegetable intake, limited physical activities, smoking and alcoholism. It means that every person can fight cancer by changing lifestyle and implementing anticancer diet. Lifestyle related factors are the most important and preventable.
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Cannot lose weight

Many women are trying desperately to lose weight without any success. Sometimes it is because of female body physiological tendency to “hold on” to a certain amount of fat. Sometimes genetic factors are too strong and women need more efforts. Sometimes stress and bad habits interfere and prevent weight lose. Sometimes hormonal dysfunctions require certain specific approaches. And often the problem can be traced directly to certain lifestyle traps. In all cases if women cannot lose weight, reasons should be clarified and solutions should be discussed with experts.
Weight loss is simple – just eat less and exercise more. But there are also several factors which should be taken into consideration.
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Mobiles and cancer

During last decades the number of mobile users has increased rapidly. In general, the total number of mobile subscriptions all over the world is estimated by ITU (International Telecommunications Union) to be about 5 billion. This number is still growing every day. At the same time, over time the numbers of mobile calls per day, the length of each call and the amount of time people use mobiles per day are also increasing. Multiyear scientific laboratory tests found two types of tumors in male rats exposed to the same kind of radio frequencies emitted by the devices – tumors were found in brain and heart cells. Comprehensive USA government study on rats has found a link between mobiles and cancer.
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