Sunday, November 9, 2008


What we know about abortion? The “abortion” is the termination of unwanted pregnancy. It can be spontaneous (also called miscarriage) or induced. Abortion can be induced surgically (e.g., by vacuum aspiration, or dilatation and curettage) or medically (e.g., using an antiprogestogen and/or prostaglandins), safely or unsafely. What we know about unwanted and unplanned pregnancies? Read more about it. The method for inducing abortion will depend upon the duration of the pregnancy, the training and skills of the provider, the facilities available and the preference of the woman. In most cases, the gestation can be determined reliably from the date of the last menstrual period and the findings on pelvic examination. Ultrasound investigation is necessary only when there is clinical doubt about the period of gestation or suspicion of ectopic pregnancy.
Read more about abortion and side effects.

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