Iodine is very important mineral involved in several body functions. Iodine required for synthesis of thyroid hormones and normal physiological functioning of thyroid glands. Iodine is important for prevention of fibrocystic breast diseases. It is well known that iodine is crucial in prevention of cognitive impairment, cretinism, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and even multiple miscarriages. This is why everybody needs to know iodine best foods.
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Sunday, December 27, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Green beans health benefits
Green beans (so called “French beans” or “string beans”) are well known vegetables available in most supermarkets all over the world. Green beans health benefits are based on essential nutrient content which includes vitamins, fibers, minerals and impressive amount of antioxidants.
Green beans originated from Central and South America – they were domesticated in ancient times (7000 B.P.). According to historians, green beans were introduced to the Mediterranean by Columbus after his return from second voyage to the “New World” in 1493. Green beans became very popular in eastern Mediterranean countries and in XVII century they were cultivated everywhere in Italy, Greece and Turkey.
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Green beans originated from Central and South America – they were domesticated in ancient times (7000 B.P.). According to historians, green beans were introduced to the Mediterranean by Columbus after his return from second voyage to the “New World” in 1493. Green beans became very popular in eastern Mediterranean countries and in XVII century they were cultivated everywhere in Italy, Greece and Turkey.
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Friday, December 11, 2015
Dogs detecting cancer
During last decade scientists already proved that dogs are able to detect certain types of cancer at earlier stages than current modern screening methods. It was noted that dogs detecting cancer can smell certain volatile organic compounds (waste products of cancer) in saliva, urine and breath. It is absolutely amazing discovery because actually home dogs (our family members) can save our lives. In addition, if scientists could understand how it works, special medical canine support teams can be trained and used for early cancer detection in millions of cases.
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Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Cancer sniffing cats
Some cats have an instinctive ability to detect owner’s cancer and they usually made their owners aware of the problem. In is important to mention that cancer sniffing cats can detect not only external easy detecting types of cancer (skin cancer, moles) but also internal types of cancer such as breast cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, etc.
I read a story about woman with bruises on her breast. She noted that her calm sweet cat suddenly start jumping and making bruises in the area of her breast. She visited her doctor and early stage of breast cancer was diagnosed with following successful treatment. Actually cat saves her life!
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I read a story about woman with bruises on her breast. She noted that her calm sweet cat suddenly start jumping and making bruises in the area of her breast. She visited her doctor and early stage of breast cancer was diagnosed with following successful treatment. Actually cat saves her life!
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Thursday, December 3, 2015
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Every human body is losing energy every day even without any physical activities – when at rest in comfortable environment, not eating, not digesting and not stressing. The amount of energy our body spending when it is at rest called Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) – the measurement of energy spent by existing functioning body organs, the energy is needed for body to maintain life, the minimum amount of energy needed to keep body functioning, including breathing and keeping heart beating. Actually the BMR is the energy we use every day to keep us alive and healthy including vital functions such as breathing and keeping warm. In general, human body spend about 10% energy for digestion; 20% for additional activities (work, sport, mental activities, stress, etc.) and about 70% complicated body functioning (BMR).
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Discover ALL about your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in ...
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Aging foods
Health expert pay special attention to anti-aging foods but only few publish articles about aging food – all types of foods which can speed our aging. Bad quality foods (fast food, trans fats, sugar, processed carbohydrates like pasta, bread and baked food) can trigger chronic inflammation in the body which contributes to faster aging. Bad foods can damage collagen in the skin and cause wrinkles. At the same time, bad quality foods (age-accelerating foods) can trigger several diseases including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. If you avoid aging foods, you can keep your skin youthful and your body healthy.
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Sunday, November 22, 2015
Honey health benefits
Honey has long and interesting history – over 4000 years ago honey was used as effective traditional “ayurvedic” medicine. Ancient Egyptian medicine used honey topically to treat wounds, skin and eye problems. According to ancient Greek books, consuming honey could help you live longer. Famous ancient doctors Aristotle (384 – 322 BC) and Aristoxenus (320 BC) also mentioned honey as an effective product for several cases.
Modern science noted that many historical claims about honey effectiveness are true honey can be effective for coughs, cuts, eyesight, weight loss, dandruff, impotency and premature ejaculation, urinary tract disorders (UTI), bronchial asthma, diarrhea, nausea and even drunkenness.
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Modern science noted that many historical claims about honey effectiveness are true honey can be effective for coughs, cuts, eyesight, weight loss, dandruff, impotency and premature ejaculation, urinary tract disorders (UTI), bronchial asthma, diarrhea, nausea and even drunkenness.
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Saturday, November 14, 2015
Cancer resistance in elephants
Elephants almost never get cancer. For decades scientists could not understand why elephants don’t have cancer – their remarkable resistance to cancer was a subject of many discussions and publications.
In general, big animals like elephants live longer and their cells have to divide more, so we would expect them to be more susceptible to cancer. But actually it is not the case and this exceptional phenomenon called “Peto’s paradox”.
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In general, big animals like elephants live longer and their cells have to divide more, so we would expect them to be more susceptible to cancer. But actually it is not the case and this exceptional phenomenon called “Peto’s paradox”.
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Monday, November 9, 2015
Anti-aging foods
The physical aging process can be influenced in a variety of ways including dietary and nutritional factors. Scientists noted that certain foods and specific diets can slow down natural physiological aging and keep our body biologically younger and healthier. Special healthy foods can help slow the aging process and perhaps even stave off age-related diseases, including osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease.
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Saturday, November 7, 2015
Pumpkin health benefits
Pumpkin fruit is one of the widely grown vegetables incredibly rich in vital antioxidants (beta-carotene, lutein, xanthin), vitamins (mainly vitamin A and C), fiber and minerals. It is well known that consuming fruits or vegetables rich in beta-carotene could reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, protect from asthma and heart disease as well as delay aging and body degeneration.
There are endless options for using healthy pumpkins – pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup, pumpkin puree, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin pies, pumpkin risotto and pumpkin beer.
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There are endless options for using healthy pumpkins – pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup, pumpkin puree, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin pies, pumpkin risotto and pumpkin beer.
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Friday, November 6, 2015
Chili pepper health benefits
Chili pepper was grown in Central and South America for 7000 years. From South America (mainly from Mexico) chili peppers were imported to Philippines, India, China, Indonesia, Korea and Japan. Christopher Columbus was among the first Europeans to discover chili pepper in the region. In 1493 Dr Diego Alvarez Chanca (from Columbus team) brought the very first chili peppers to Spain and Portugal. In XVI-XVII centuries chili peppers were introduced to the rest of the world by Spanish and Portuguese explorers.
Chili peppers are well known for their medicinal and health benefiting properties – they are an excellent source of Vitamins C, A, K, E and B-complex (including folic acid B9); antioxidants (phytochemicals) and useful minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin, copper, molybdenum – all are excellent source of fiber).
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Chili peppers are well known for their medicinal and health benefiting properties – they are an excellent source of Vitamins C, A, K, E and B-complex (including folic acid B9); antioxidants (phytochemicals) and useful minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin, copper, molybdenum – all are excellent source of fiber).
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Thursday, October 22, 2015
Green tea health benefits

Nowadays green tea is very popular almost in all countries of the world. Green tea contains pretty strong natural antioxidants (so called “polyphenols”) which can help keeping healthy body, healthy skin and hair as well as can protect from cancer development by blocking the growth of cancer cells. Green tea contains several useful elements including some vitamins – vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C and vitamin E.
Scientists highlighted not only daily benefits from green tea but also long-term health benefits of green tea. It was noted that those who drink green tea regularly are at a lower risk of developing heart diseases and even cancer.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Grapes health benefits
Grapes health benefits cannot be overestimated – they include prevention of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, constipation and poor eyesight.
Grapes contain several important vitamins and elements including fiber, protein, copper, potassium, iron, folate and vitamins C, A, K and B2. Grapes are high in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties as well as phytonutrients (especially phenols and polyphenols). Grapes can be used for good hydration because they have high water content.
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Grapes contain several important vitamins and elements including fiber, protein, copper, potassium, iron, folate and vitamins C, A, K and B2. Grapes are high in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties as well as phytonutrients (especially phenols and polyphenols). Grapes can be used for good hydration because they have high water content.
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Monday, September 21, 2015
Chicory health benefits
Chicory is a well known plant which can provide several health benefits including the ability to improve digestion, prevent heartburn, reduce pain during arthritis, detoxify liver and gallbladder, reduce tumor growth, prevent bacterial infections, protect from kidney stones, boost the immune system, help in weight loss and reduce the chance of heart disease.
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
Broccoli health benefits
Broccoli originated in Italy (in ancient Roman times) where it existed since 6th Century BC. Broccoli was cultivated from wild cabbage – actually the broccoli is a close relative of cabbage and cauliflower. Italians call it “broccolo” which means the flowering top of a cabbage. Broccoli mostly can be found in Europe and the Mediterranean countries. In USA broccoli was introduced by Italian immigrants. The largest cultivator of broccoli in the world is China, followed by India, but the main consumers remain western countries.
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Tomato health benefits
Tomato is known as a «king of Mediterranean cuisine» and has been used for centuries. According to old books, this plant was growing wildly in creeping vines in the hills of Peru. It is also known that in 16th century tomato was widely used in Spain and it was brought to Central America by Spanish merchants. Tomato was first delivered to Europe in 1523 and immediately became popular in European cuisine.
Tomatoe is a good source of vitamins A, C and folic acid; it contains also important antioxidants (alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, beta-carotene and lutein) which can prevent several diseases. Tomato’s antioxidant properties are very important because antioxidants can neutralize harmful free radicals in the blood. Free radicals in the blood stream are dangerous because it may lead to cell damage.
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Tomatoe is a good source of vitamins A, C and folic acid; it contains also important antioxidants (alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, beta-carotene and lutein) which can prevent several diseases. Tomato’s antioxidant properties are very important because antioxidants can neutralize harmful free radicals in the blood. Free radicals in the blood stream are dangerous because it may lead to cell damage.
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Cucumber health benefits
Over 4000 years ago cucumber was spread beyond Indian borders and was moving through Ancient Greece, Rome, Europe, China – eventually cucumber became fourth most widely cultivated vegetable in the world.
Cucumber is a good source of antioxidants and its water content is 95% – these are making cucumber a very hydrating food. Cucumber can also fulfill some vitamins and microelements which we lose throughout the day – vitamin K, C, A, B, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium and manganese.
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Cucumber is a good source of antioxidants and its water content is 95% – these are making cucumber a very hydrating food. Cucumber can also fulfill some vitamins and microelements which we lose throughout the day – vitamin K, C, A, B, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium and manganese.
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Asparagus health benefits
Asparagus has unique texture and it reputed to have medicinal qualities and to be the aphrodisiac (the substance that, when consumed, increases sexual desire).
Asparagus health benefits based on its nutritional properties – high in folic acid and rich source of potassium, fiber, protein, thiamin and vitamins A, B, C. Several studies have suggested that increased consumption of asparagus can decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and some other diseases. Main asparagus health benefits are explained by its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
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Asparagus health benefits based on its nutritional properties – high in folic acid and rich source of potassium, fiber, protein, thiamin and vitamins A, B, C. Several studies have suggested that increased consumption of asparagus can decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and some other diseases. Main asparagus health benefits are explained by its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
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Thursday, September 10, 2015
Garlic health benefits
Garlic health benefits are based on its useful properties – garlic is an excellent source of Vitamin B, selenium, Vitamin C, manganese as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and copper. Garlic has a unique combination of sulfur containing nutrients and flavonoids which is quite important for health. The main medical property in garlic is so called “allicin” which has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant functions.
It is essential to use raw pressed or chopped garlic (1-2 cloves per day) preferably on an empty stomach. Cooked garlic loses a significant amount of its medicinal qualities.
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It is essential to use raw pressed or chopped garlic (1-2 cloves per day) preferably on an empty stomach. Cooked garlic loses a significant amount of its medicinal qualities.
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Carrot health benefits
Carrots are very healthy and useful vegetables – they are low in calories and high in nutrition, they are rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber. Carrot health benefits are well known – actually people first grew carrots as medicine (not food) for a variety of ailments. One carrot (medium size) has 25 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates and about 2 grams of fiber. Carrots are the perfect source of vitamin A – providing more than 200% of daily requirement in just one carrot.
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Saturday, August 29, 2015
Breast cancer stages
To be able to choose the treatment protocols, doctors classify different cases of breast cancer by stages. Breast cancer stages are usually mentioned as a number on a scale of 0 through IV. The minimum stage is 0 which is describing non-invasive cancers that remain within their original location and the maximum stage is IV which is describing invasive cancers that have spread outside the breast to other parts of the body. Breast cancer stage is based on several factors.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Breast cancer cells
Scientists noted that at least one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime (about 12% of women). Most women who get breast cancer are over 50, but younger women can also get breast cancer. If it is discovered at early stages and if it is treated early enough, breast cancer can be cured and prevented from spreading to other parts of the body.
Nowadays breast cancer treatment protocols are pretty successful – survival rates are growing every year. To estimate and make prognosis for each case of breast cancer doctors needs to know not only tumor sizes but also breast cancer cells’ types. Depending on breast cancer cells all treatment strategies could be developed and future survival prognosis can be estimated.
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Nowadays breast cancer treatment protocols are pretty successful – survival rates are growing every year. To estimate and make prognosis for each case of breast cancer doctors needs to know not only tumor sizes but also breast cancer cells’ types. Depending on breast cancer cells all treatment strategies could be developed and future survival prognosis can be estimated.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Breast cancer types
One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in women (first is skin cancer). Average five-year survival rate is more than 90% for breast cancers detected early thanks to modern screening and prevention methods as well as new improved, personalized targeted treatments.
In most cases breast cancer is diagnosed in women after 50 (about 75%) but it does occur in younger women also. Only 5-10% of all breast cancers are the result of inherited genetic factors. List of other risk factors include use of hormones, stress, obesity, low levels of vitamin D, smoking, drinking, etc.
Breast cancer types are important to clarify because all treatment strategies and future survival depend on breast cancer types.
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In most cases breast cancer is diagnosed in women after 50 (about 75%) but it does occur in younger women also. Only 5-10% of all breast cancers are the result of inherited genetic factors. List of other risk factors include use of hormones, stress, obesity, low levels of vitamin D, smoking, drinking, etc.
Breast cancer types are important to clarify because all treatment strategies and future survival depend on breast cancer types.
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Monday, August 17, 2015
Stress and breast cancer
During last decades the stress is becoming a “normal” part of women life – career development, home, children, professional activities, complicated relations, family responsibilities. Generations of modern women experience growing levels of stress due to trying to balance work and home lives. What are the consequences of this modern stressful life?
Swedish researchers from the Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg say that being under stress may double a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.
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Swedish researchers from the Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg say that being under stress may double a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.
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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Red wine and breast cancer
Women could discover several confusing articles about red wine and breast cancer. Some experts recommend avoid alcohol including red wine and some consider red wine as anticancer remedy. Some introduce red wine health benefits. What about women who already have breast cancer? What to do? The dilemma is – Drink or not to drink the red wine if you want to prevent breast cancer or if you want to survive after breast cancer treatments?
Red grapes and red wine contain pretty powerful antioxidants (so called “polyphenols” and “resveratrol”) which have been shown to interact during breast cancer development.
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Red grapes and red wine contain pretty powerful antioxidants (so called “polyphenols” and “resveratrol”) which have been shown to interact during breast cancer development.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Red wine health benefits
During last decades medical society is trying to find the explanations for so called “French paradox” linked to red wine consumption. The French paradox refers to the observation that the French suffer a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease, despite having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats. The phenomenon was first noted by Irish physician Samuel Black in 1819.
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Saturday, August 8, 2015
Breast cancer and phytoestrogens
Phytoestrogens are structurally estrogen-like chemicals found in plant foods such as beans, seeds and grains. Foods made from soybeans have some of the highest levels of phytoestrogens. In laboratory studies it was shown that phytoestrogens can bind to estrogen receptors and either produce or inhibit estrogen effects.
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Friday, August 7, 2015
Tomosynthesis and breast cancer
Tomosynthesis (so called “Digital Tomosynthesis” or “Digital Breast Tomosynthesis” or “DBT”) is a newly developed improved type of mammography (3-D) – the method for performing high-resolution limited-angle tomography at mammographic dose levels. It is a new dimension in breast cancer detection. Tomosynthesis can provide a higher diagnostic accuracy compared to conventional mammography which is highly appreciated by experts.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Obesity and breast cancer
Several studies mentioned correlation between obesity and increased risks for breast cancer (especially for postmenopausal women). Researchers mentioned that increased risks for postmenopausal women were noted in women with BMI equal to 35 and/or higher.
Obesity during postmenopausal period increases the breast cancer risks up to 30-60% (comparing with thin postmenopausal women). Scientists highlight that it is more important for women with hormone-sensitive types of breast cancer (for tumors that express both estrogen and progesterone receptors). At the same time, overweight and obesity cannot be risk factors for other types of breast cancer (tumors with negative hormone receptors).
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Obesity during postmenopausal period increases the breast cancer risks up to 30-60% (comparing with thin postmenopausal women). Scientists highlight that it is more important for women with hormone-sensitive types of breast cancer (for tumors that express both estrogen and progesterone receptors). At the same time, overweight and obesity cannot be risk factors for other types of breast cancer (tumors with negative hormone receptors).
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Anticancer alkaline diet
It is well known that cancerous cells are acidic and cancer cells thrive in an overly acidic environment. At the same time, healthy cells “like” alkaline environment and in constant acidic atmosphere it becomes impossible for healthy cells to regenerate. It is becoming obvious that by taking action to become more alkaline and implementing anticancer alkaline diet, we can dramatically increase obstacles for cancer cells multiplication and we can not only stop cancer grow but we can also sometimes decrease the size of the tumor.
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Friday, July 17, 2015
Anticancer spices
Ancient medicine did not have sophisticated medications but old fashion doctors were very successful in treating many diseases by using herbs and spices.
During last decades modern science start paying more attention to ancient medicine. Several studies confirmed not only health benefits but also anticancer properties of some spices. In most cases anticancer spices have antioxidant properties – their biological effects may arise from their ability to induce changes in a number of cellular processes, including those involved with drug metabolism, cell division and apoptosis (cancer cell death).
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During last decades modern science start paying more attention to ancient medicine. Several studies confirmed not only health benefits but also anticancer properties of some spices. In most cases anticancer spices have antioxidant properties – their biological effects may arise from their ability to induce changes in a number of cellular processes, including those involved with drug metabolism, cell division and apoptosis (cancer cell death).
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Thursday, July 16, 2015
Anticancer green food
More and more people start paying attention to healthy anticancer food. In general, anticancer diet is an important strategy for not only reducing your risks of cancer but also for increasing your chances to fight cancer (if you already have or had it). Several cancer institutions recommend at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. It was noted that certain foods may be particularly useful in protecting from cancer.
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Discover ALL about Anticancer green food in ...
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Diet fighting cancer
During last decade many doctors realized how important is diet fighting cancer and how crucial are lifestyle choices when it comes to preventing and reversing cancer.
Everybody knows that diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be the best choice for healthy lifestyle. But only few women know what means diet fighting cancer and what means anticancer diet.
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Everybody knows that diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be the best choice for healthy lifestyle. But only few women know what means diet fighting cancer and what means anticancer diet.
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Flaxceed against breast cancer
Today we would like to discuss a new discovery about flaxceed. According to new meta-analysis on flaxseed and breast cancer published in the journal Integrative Cancer Therapy (2013), flax may be associated with decreased risk of breast cancer. According to this study, flaxceed benefits could play a crucial role in new cases of breast cancer.
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Sunday, June 28, 2015
Acrylamide and breast cancer risks
It was noted that increased levels of acrylamide and glycidamide hemoglobin in the women’s bloodstream was associated with a higher risk of breast cancer. At the same time among women with higher levels of acrylamide bound to the hemoglobin in their blood, there was a statistically significant increase in risk of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Danish researchers found that higher levels of glycidamide hemoglobin in the blood was associated with a 63% higher risk of dying from all breast cancers, and more than double the risk of developing an estrogen receptor-positive tumor.
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Saturday, June 27, 2015
Breast cancer survival
How to reduce risks of breast cancer recurrence? Many women feel that their body has betrayed them and they cannot feel confident anymore. Body has gone through many changes as a result of a cancer diagnosis and complicated treatments. It will take some time to discover personal risk factors, to make some changes in lifestyle and to develop personal healthy anticancer diet. All mentioned changes will dramatically reduce or abolish risk factors for breast cancer recurrence. Once you survive first five years, later would be much easier.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Sugar and Cancer
Sugar and cancer are chained in a death grip. More and more experts pay a special attention to anticancer anti-sugar diet. Cancer prevention is much easier and safer. But if doctors already detected cancer, the most logical and effective way to deal with cancer is to cut off the supply of food to cancer cells – starving them with a lack of sugar (glucose). It is actually the selective starvation of cancer cells by choosing anticancer diet – it could be an important step in fighting cancer and increasing cancer survival chances.
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Sunday, June 14, 2015
Turmeric and Curcumin
In ancient medicine turmeric is knows as a yellow powder made from turmeric plant which grows in India and Indonesia. Main active (useful) components of the turmeric are so called “curcuminoids” – the most important of which is curcumin (sold in supermarkets as “curcuma”). Curcumin is a very strong antioxidant and has powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
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Saturday, June 13, 2015
Anticancer green tea
Ancient medicine recommends green tea for several diseases. Numerous studies have previously suggested green tea and its extracts may provide suitable treatments for cancer, as well as other diseases. There is no conclusive scientific evidence that green tea helps to prevent or treat cancer in people but there are several observation studies which demonstrate health benefits of green tea.
Modern medicine is trying to understand the breakthrough involved identifying the process by which the substance of green tea attacks cancer cells (anticancer action).
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Modern medicine is trying to understand the breakthrough involved identifying the process by which the substance of green tea attacks cancer cells (anticancer action).
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Friday, June 5, 2015
Anticancer curcumin

During last decade valuable information was collected about anticancer curcumin properties. Unfortunately most studies were performed in laboratories and most effective anticancer functions of curcumin were discovered in animal experiments. But still some clinical trials in humans were performed discovering curcumin effectivenes on various diseases, including multiple myeloma, pancreatic cancer, myelodysplastic syndromes, colon cancer, psoriasis, arthritis, major depressive disorder and Alzheimer’s disease.
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Anticancer red food
During last decades scientists have examined the relationship between food coloring and food activities in human body. It was noted that foods with similar colors have very similar functions in healthy diet. Nutritionists recommend to include in daily diet as much as possible bright colorful fruits and vegetables because they a full of natural disease-fighting phytochemicals. Special attention is paid to red foods which are packed with antioxidants and vitamins.
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Monday, June 1, 2015
Anticancer diet
Many scientists noted correlation between foods consumed and cancer cells grow. Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells, and in 1931 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology. In 1939 Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline pH. What that means for ordinary people? It means eating fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, sprouted nuts, seeds and legumes, sprouted grains and other similar products is not only the smart way to receive more nutrition, but is also the way to prevent and fight cancer.
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Friday, May 29, 2015
Anticancer Graviola tea
The leaves of the graviola tree have powerful anticancer properties coming from phytochemicals in the plant. Graviola tea made from leaves is recommended for cancer prevention or as an additional component for cancer survival. The journal “Cancer Letters” published a study looking at the impact of graviola on pancreatic cancer. Supplementing with graviola stopped cancerous pancreatic tumor cells from replicating and caused them to die. Researchers suggest this natural medicine may prevent and treat cancer. The leaves may also be useful for treating skin cancer when applied topically.
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Anticancer Soursop
One of most recommended anticancer remedy is soursop – small evergreen tree native to tropical regions. Soursop produces a 6-to-9 inch, heart-shaped edible fruit, yellow-green in color, with white flesh. Its leaves, fruit, seeds, and stem are used to make medicine.
Soursop contains many chemicals that may be active against cancer, as well as disease-causing agents such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Soursop is said to kill cancer more effectively than chemotherapy drugs and does not produce the same undesirable side effects, but may not be fully clear of any adverse effects.
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Soursop contains many chemicals that may be active against cancer, as well as disease-causing agents such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Soursop is said to kill cancer more effectively than chemotherapy drugs and does not produce the same undesirable side effects, but may not be fully clear of any adverse effects.
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Saturday, May 9, 2015
Anticancer melatonin
Melatonin is produced in the pineal gland. In Eastern medicine the pineal gland was associated with so called “Third Eye” and intuition, and it is linked to an important energy chakra. There is a strong link between pineal gland and human circadian rhythms. Scientists discovered also very specific links between pineal gland and seasonal, sleeping and breeding habits.
Cancer experts highlight the importance of circadian rhythms not only in cancer development but also in the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs and the time of day they should be taken.
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Cancer experts highlight the importance of circadian rhythms not only in cancer development but also in the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs and the time of day they should be taken.
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Sleep and breast cancer
Some researchers suggest that indoor lighting and devices that produce light at night could increase risks for getting cancer and if you miss your night sleep or if you sleep in light, you may be potentially at a higher risk of getting breast cancer. But why?
Scientists found the correlation between risk of breast cancer and melatonin (so called “hormone of darkness”), a hormone produced by the body to promote continued sleep. When levels of melatonin decrease, the body produces more estrogen, which is a known risk factor for breast cancer.
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Scientists found the correlation between risk of breast cancer and melatonin (so called “hormone of darkness”), a hormone produced by the body to promote continued sleep. When levels of melatonin decrease, the body produces more estrogen, which is a known risk factor for breast cancer.
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Vitamin D and breast cancer
Several scientists demonstrated the link between vitamin D and breast cancer. It was noted that women with breast cancer tend to have low levels of vitamin D in their body and women with higher levels of vitamin D are less likely to develop breast cancer. It is important to mention that breast cancer suffering women with higher levels of vitamin D have higher chances for survival – they usually have smaller tumors and are less likely to die from breast cancer.
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Discover ALL about Vitamin D and Breast Cancer in ...
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Anticancer Vitamin B17
Some scientists suggest that we all have micro-cancel cells in our body
but they become a cancer only because of some triggering factors
(chemical reactions, deficit of some elements or vitamins, damaged
metabolism and immune system, wrong lifestyle, etc., etc.). It is very
important to mention that if our defence mechanisms are functioning
normally, the body kills off the cancer cells, and we are never aware
that it happened. At the same time, if our body is facing some
breakdowns in our body defence system, cancer cells “receive the
freedom” and nothing can prevent the growth of those cancer cells.
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Discover ALL about Anticancer Vitamin B17 in ...
Vitamin D and breast cancer survival
Vitamin D could help women with breast cancer survival – this is very
good news for women who are presently fighting breast cancer as well as
for women who need badly breast cancer prevention tools.
Several scientific publications showed that low vitamin D levels were linked to a high risk of premenopausal breast cancer. Can the deficit of vitamin D trigger breast cancer? What are links between vitamin D and breast cancer? Can the vitamin D be the main key to breast cancer survival?
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Several scientific publications showed that low vitamin D levels were linked to a high risk of premenopausal breast cancer. Can the deficit of vitamin D trigger breast cancer? What are links between vitamin D and breast cancer? Can the vitamin D be the main key to breast cancer survival?
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Anticancer Vitamin D
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women. It is estimated that at least one out of every eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Every year number of breast cancer cases is growing – not only because of improved diagnostic methods but also because of increased numbers of women who use hormones, who have genetic predispositions, who suffer from obesity, etc.
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