Girls want to be beautiful, sexy and confident especially during puberty period. Beautiful skin is important component of female beauty. But sometimes skin problems like intensive hair grow create problems. During puberty girls are too sensitive to any new growing hair on their face, body, legs. What to do if you noticed excessive and increased hair growth in locations where the occurrence of terminal hair normally should be minimal or absent. What you should know about hair removal? What are most effective and modern methodologies for hair removal? Is it just a cosmetic procedure or it should be medically supported?
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What is normal hair grow for women and what is hirsutism? What is considered normal for a woman and what is considered hirsute depends on factors such as culture and race. The extent of normal hair growth varies between individuals, families and races, being more extensive in the Mediterranean and some Asian subcontinent populations. History knows several cases of excess hair grow in pretty famous women. Visiting art galleries you can see portraits of women from 15-18 centuries who were well known because of their hirsutism. For example, famous Spanish painter Jusepe de Ribera in 1631 AD introduced his painting “Magdalena Ventura with Her Husband and Son” which clearly demonstrated Magdalena’s excess hair grow (hirsutism) but fortunately her reproduction system was not damaged and she delivered a son and she was able to breastfeed her child.Read more about hair grow in women.
Very often girls and women are asking questions about their weight. Are they OK or they need to loose some kilograms. How to know the correct weight? How to be healthy, beautiful and sexy? Is there any correlation between weight and menstrual cycle? Young girls dream about having bodies which are comparable with famous models, permanently thinking about normal weight, fitness, weight control, diet, food calories, overweight, obesity and weight watch. First, it is important to highlight that “normal weight” understanding can be different for people of different nationalities, generations, professions, centuries, believes, etc. But at the same time there is a “normal weight” which is recognized by traditional medicine which is an indicator for measuring health and illness. This indicator called Body Mass Index (BMI). Body mass index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. Read more
Once you start your periods, you need to know the regularity of yo cycle, when expect next perio, what are pre-menstruation symptoms and on which day they are appearing, etc., etc. It is also very important to calculate fertile and not fertile days for prevention of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. Very often appearance of different symptoms (for example, mood change, breasts sensitivity, menstrual cramps, etc.) depends on the day of menstrual cycle and it is important to know on which day of menstrual cycle symptoms are mentioned. In general it is impossible to remember everything is happening during each menstrual cycle and it is recommended to use menstrual calendar. It is really pretty useful to use menstrual calendar which will help you to control your menstrual cycle and monitor all your feelings related to the menstrual cycle. Here is an example which you can print for yourself.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome is a complicated endocrine disorder associated with a long-term lack of ovulation (anovulation) and an excess of androgens (male hormones). PCOS affects an estimated 6-10% of all women and most don't even know they have it. Formation of eight or more follicular cysts of 10 mm or smaller in the ovaries is very typical for PCOS. The process related to the anovulation - ovary's failure to release an egg (ovum). The many cysts in a polycystic ovary are follicles that have matured but, due to abnormal hormone levels, were never released. In a normal ovary, a single egg develops and is released each month. PCOS is one of the most frequent causes of infertility. Read more
What is menstrual cycle? Why we need it? Why it has starting age and ending age? What is the whole meaning of the menstrual cycle? If you are a teenage girl, you probably have started having a period. If you have not, you might be anxious about the subject or a bit concerned. The whole story about menstrual cycle and menstruation might seem a bit mysterious. In reality it is actually pretty complex but very interesting. Menstruation is the outward proof that a girl is becoming a woman. Having a period means your body is functioning well and properly. But after 50 it will go down.
Read more and understand your body better.
Often love and sex does not mean that the happy couple is ready and/or wants to have a baby. If you are not ready to have a baby, you should take care of your fertility and ovulation. It is your responsibility to decide if you want pregnancy and baby. Sometimes pregnancy is happening unexpectedly. Sometimes unplanned pregnancies becoming wanted and millions of healthy children were born as a result of unplanned pregnancies. Are you pregnant? What to do? Are you ready? When is the best time for pregnancy?
Read more and discover best period for pregnancy – best age, best time, best period …
What we know about abortion? The “abortion” is the termination of unwanted pregnancy. It can be spontaneous (also called miscarriage) or induced. Abortion can be induced surgically (e.g., by vacuum aspiration, or dilatation and curettage) or medically (e.g., using an antiprogestogen and/or prostaglandins), safely or unsafely. What we know about unwanted and unplanned pregnancies? Read more about it. The method for inducing abortion will depend upon the duration of the pregnancy, the training and skills of the provider, the facilities available and the preference of the woman. In most cases, the gestation can be determined reliably from the date of the last menstrual period and the findings on pelvic examination. Ultrasound investigation is necessary only when there is clinical doubt about the period of gestation or suspicion of ectopic pregnancy.
Read more about abortion and side effects.
Pelvic exam is an examination that is performed by your doctor or a nurse to make sure that your reproductive organs are healthy. During pelvic exam the following reproductive organs are usually observed: vagina, cervix, uterus, ovaries and tubes. Main reasons of the Pelvic Exam: 1. Medical staff check if your pelvic organs (vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries) are normal and healthy; 2. They can detect infections (STIs) that can cause vaginal discharge, pelvic pain or infertility. If you have one of these infections, a regular pelvic exam can help make sure that it’s detected early, so you can get treatment before any serious damage is done; 3. One of very important reasons for Pelvic Exam is “Pap” test that can detect early stages of some types of cancers. Spotting these early signs of cancer could even save your life.Read more about Pelvic Exam
“Pap test” and “Pap smear” are the same thing – it is a test that involves collecting cells from cervix and then looking at them through a microscope to make sure they are normal and healthy. It is sometimes called a “smear” because the cells from the cervix are “smeared” onto a microscope slide. Pelvic Exam is a little different – it refers to the entire exam of your reproductive organs, part of which is the collection of cells for the Pap test. Some people think that a Pap test is a screening test for all sexually transmitted diseases, this is not true. But during Pelvic Exam doctor or nurse can take additional tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You also can request STI tests if you have any concerns and/or doubts. It is a right time to ask for HIV test also (if needed). For “Pap smear” cells should be taken and/or "smeared" from the cervix and examined under the special microscope to detect diseases or other problems. Read more
PMS stands for Premenstrual Syndrome. Many women have PMS and sometimes it is becoming a family problem. PMS correlates with increased concentration and/or disbalance of some hormones. PMS is a disorder characterized by a set of hormonal changes that trigger disruptive symptoms in a significant number of girls and women for up to two weeks before menstruation. PMS is a group of symptoms linked to the menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms occur in the week or two weeks before your period. The symptoms usually go away after period starts. PMS can affect menstruating women of any age. It is also different for each woman. PMS may be just a monthly bother or it may be so severe that it makes it hard to even get through the day. In most cases the PMS disappear with menstruation and during 2 weeks (after period) the person feels absolutely healthy. Read more about PMS symptoms.