Recently scientists discovered that pills can provoke the activities and grow of yeast infection in vagina. How serious is this information and what should be done?Actually birth control pills can weaken the immune system which can make you more sensitive to yeast infection. Birth control pills reduce bacteria in our body to a certain extent and therefore we are not able to fight harmful yeast spores. This is the reason why many women immediately start getting infections after starting to take the pill. If you must take the pill and you are suffering from yeast infections as a result, you can try some effective natural remedies. It is important also to keep your body in good shape, eat the right food and not forget about fitness.Discover all information about pills and yeast infection.
Are you looking for Christmas present for your girlfriend - for present which can surprise and please her? Did you think about sexy books and most sexy positions which you never experienced? Are you thinking about Christmas present for your female friends?BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your girlfriend and/or female friends could be a tool which can strengthen sexual pleasure - cute vibrators! It can be ordered and received in discreet and confidential package.BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your girlfriend and/or female friends could also be a set of books about best sex, sexual massage, best sex positions and more ...These Christmas presents will improve sexual skills of your girlfriend and will please you both!These Christmas presents will change your sexual life dramatically!Your female friends will appreciate very much your Christmas presents and will never forget you!Choose the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your girlfriend and/or female friends.
Are you looking for Christmas present for your teenage daughter which can be useful and pleasant?Are you thinking about Christmas present for your female teen friends?What can please female teens?BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your female teen friends could be a tool which can help discovering sexuality - cute vibrators! It can be ordered and received in discreet and confidential package.BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your female teen friends could be a book about puberty development!These Christmas presents will improve skills of your daughter or friend and will help handling teens' sexuality!Choose the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your teen friends.
Spontaneous interruption of pregnancy called miscarriage. Medical synonym for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion.About 15% of fertilized eggs are lost before the egg even has a chance to implant in the uterus wall. Women would not be able to identify this type of miscarriage. Another 15% of conceptions are lost before eight weeks' gestation. Once fetal heart function is detected in a given pregnancy, the chance of miscarriage is less than 5%.Most common causes of miscarriage in the first third of pregnancy (first trimester) are: * chromosomal abnormalities * collagen vascular disease (such as lupus) * hormonal dysfunctions * diabetes * infections * uterus abnormalities * stressDiscover more about miscarriage.
Bartholin cyst (Bartholin's gland cyst) is a swollen fluid-filled lump that develops from a blockage of one of the Bartholin's glands. Bartholin glands are small glands located on each side of the opening to the vagina - in the lips of the labia that cover the vaginal opening. Bartholin glands are small and cannot be seen or felt when they are normal. Bartholin's gland cysts and/or abscesses are commonly found in women of reproductive age (20-45 year old). According to statistics, approximately 2% of all women have Bartholin cyst. The size of the cyst could be small (0.5-3 cm) or big up to 5-10 cm in diameter. In general the Bartolin glands provide moisture for the vulva area.Discover more about causes, symptoms and treatment for Bartholin cyst in following page.
There is a notion among college students that sleep is not necessary, and that any missed sleep in one's youth can be recovered by "sleeping in" later in life. However, the amount of sleep a person gets directly affects how much he or she weighs.The more sleep you get, the more growth hormone your body produces. Growth hormone maintains your body's lean muscle mass, and decreases body fat.When people don't get enough sleep, they feel hungry all the time. The reason for this is because their bodies are not producing enough hydrocortisone.Hydrocortisone controls a person's appetite as well as regulating glucose metabolism, blood pressure, insulin release, and immune system function.Discover how to sleep and loose your weight in following page.
Do eat more often, but less quantities. This helps keep our metabolism high (this is the process of breaking down foods into energy). Having an efficient metabolism means body will use energy at a faster rate and therefore fat stores will go down.
Don't skip breakfast. The body has gone without food for many hours after you went to bed and it is in dire need of energy when you wake up. If you don't eat breakfast then: (a) your metabolism will be slow (b) you are more likely to stuff yourself at lunch and (c) you are just going against the natural way of things. Do replace any fatty foods that you can (slowly over time) with healthier alternatives that you also enjoy. Never replace things you like with healthy things you hate, because it will not hold up for long term and will backfire. Don't forget to drink water. If you don't drink it, the body will give you the signal of being hungry and you will end up eating for no reason. Try to keep water always near you and drink often and as much as you want (water is the only substance you can safely intake as much as you want). Discover more about weight loss in following page.