Menstrual cramps are one of the most chronic pains a woman suffers. Lasting anywhere from 3 to 5 full days during your period, cramps can be slight or so severe that you are left in a fetal position in agony. Since girls and women have been menstruating since the beginning of time and way before the invention of modern medicine, women have found many natural cures and remedies for menstrual cramps over the centuries.
Do you know about natural remedies remedies for menstrual cramps?
Read more and discover effective natural remedies for menstrual cramps - Heat, Bananas, Aloe gel and Black pepper, Black Cohosh, Raspberry tea, Ginger, Primrose Oil and Some Special exercises.
There are many different activities that cause us to sweat more than usual – room high temperature, hot weather, physical exercises, activities which make you feel anxious all cause the sweat to flow. Sweat by itself does not have much of an odor (body odor). Most of the smell is caused by bacteria which live on the skin and in clothing. These bacteria use the sweat for growing. The sweat on most of our body is not full of nutrients (foods) for bacteria, so the bacteria there do not cause a lot of smell. Sweating is one of the body's ways of cooling down and it is important that we do sweat. There is a very rare condition where people do not sweat, and they are at a very high risk of overheating.What to do to prevent excessive sweating?
Read more to discover how to prevent excessive sweating and how to avoid sweating odor.
In puberty many girls want their breasts to grow faster. After 20 many girls want their breasts to be larger than they are. But you should know that there is no miracle which can grow your breasts during one night. Your breasts start to grow in response to hormones in your body and your genetics will help your breasts to develop. These hormones are also found in small amounts in birth control pills, this is why girls on the pill will experience some small changes in their breast size. Very often girls are keeping asking about food which can enlarge their breasts. As long as you are eating healthy and maintain a healthy weight your breast will develop to a size that is right for your body.
Read more about food supplements and special exercises which can enlarge your breasts.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a serious health problem affecting millions of people each year. The "urinary tract" consists of the various organs of the body that produce, store, and get rid of urine. These include the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. Any part of the urinary system can become infected, but most infections involve the lower urinary tract - the urethra and the bladder. Women are at greater risk of developing a urinary tract infection. UTI limited to bladder can be painful and annoying. The most serious consequences can occur if a urinary tract infection spreads to the kidneys. Girls could become prone to UTI's through wiping back-to-front when they are first toilet-trained, which pulls stool into the vaginal area. Often UTI appears after first sexual contact. Sexually active teenage and adult women are more prone to UTI's.
Read more about causes of UTIs and treatment.
Vaginal itching is a tingling or uneasy irritation of the skin of the vagina and the surrounding area (vulva). The itching may cause a desire to scratch the affected area. Although vaginal itching is the hallmark of yeast infections and other vaginal infections including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), itching in the vagina and vulva areas has multiple causes. Vaginal itching can also arise due to chemical irritants that may be found in detergents or soaps, douches and vaginal creams, toilet paper, bath products, feminine hygiene products, and vaginal contraceptive products.
Women in the menopausal transition may experience vaginal itching due to fluctuations in estrogen levels. As estrogen levels decline in the perimenopause, the vaginal wall becomes thinner and drier, and itching may result. Some studies have shown a link between psychological stress and vaginal yeast infections.
Read more about causes and treatment of the Vaginal Itching.
Some people with body odor suffer from severe problems in their personal and social relationships, as well as wrecked promotion prospects at work, educational under-achievement because of teasing and bullying along with enormous degrees of stress. Feelings of shame, embarrassment, low self-esteem, isolation, frustration, anxiety and depression are extremely common where Body Odor is present. Certainly the answer does not lie in antiperspirant and deodorant sprays which at best only mask the problem, although safe forms of these might well prove useful in the short-term.
Read more about causes and prevention of the Body Odor. Some solutions are very simple and easy.
It is normal for every woman’s vagina to have a unique smell; it is natural. Even when you notice a recent difference in its smell, it is not necessarily an infection. That change may be linked to a specific moment of your menstrual cycle because the smell of your vagina can vary depending on the time of the cycle. Becoming familiar with the healthy smell of your vagina can help you determine when there is a problem. Changes in vaginal smell occur throughout the menstrual cycle but can also result from yeast infections, sexually transmitted infections, Trichomoniasis, Bacterial Vaginosis and some other causes. Vaginal discharge is clear or milky white when a female is not on her period. During menstruation, this discharge keeps the vagina clean. Healthy vaginal discharge thickens and increases when you are sexually stimulated, when you are breastfeeding, or when you ovulate. Read more about causes of the Vaginal Odor and what can be done.
If your vulva smells fishy, it is almost certain that you have bacterial vaginosis (also known as "anaerobic vaginosis"). This is an imbalance in the bacteria in the vagina. All women have harmless bacteria in their vaginal passage. In bacterial vaginosis, some of the bacteria multiply so that more are present than is normal (it is usually the Gardnerella and Mobiluncus bacteria that are the culprits). In other words, bacterial vaginosis is not an infection caught from your partner; it is due to bacteria that are normally present in the vagina. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis usually include fishy smell in the genital area and vaginal discharge.
Read more about Bacterial Vaginosis and treatment.