The effectiveness of different brands of birth control pills is fluctuating between 95% - 99% (if correctly used!). It is very important to highlight that you should take 1 pill every day at the same time until the packet is finished; you should not interrupt taking the pills before a packet is finished, even if you does not have sexual intercourse. If you bought the 28-pill packet, you should start a new packet without a break the day after you finish the previous packet. If you have the 21-pill packet, you should skip 7 days before starting a new packet. If the pills are taken correctly, you will always start a new packet on the same day of the week. It is very important to emphasize the importance of not forgetting any pill. If you miss one or more hormonal pills, you may have some spotting or breakthrough bleeding and, more importantly, you will be at a greater risk of becoming pregnant. The greatest risk is when you miss hormonal pills at the beginning or at the end of the cycle, because that is equivalent to prolonging the interval during which you do not take hormonal pills.
Read more about what to do if you missed one or few pill
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