The cervical cancer vaccine is recommended for girls ages 11 to 12, although it may be used in girls as young as age 9. This allows a girl's immune system to be activated before she's likely to encounter HPV. Vaccinating at this age also allows for the highest antibody levels. The higher the antibody levels, the greater the protection. The vaccine is given as a series of three injections over a six-month period. The second dose is given two months after the first dose, followed four months later by the third dose. Experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend a catch-up immunization for girls and women ages 13 to 26 who haven't been vaccinated or who haven't completed the full vaccine series. By vaccinating this catch-up group, as well as the younger girls, we'll see the positive effects of the cervical cancer vaccine that much sooner.Read more
Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day can apparently reduce the size of women's breasts. But it also reduces the risk of cancer, researchers say. Swedish oncologist Dr Helena Jernstroem said a gene - which half of women have - could react and cause them to a drop a bra size. But she added: "Coffee-drinking women do not have to worry their breasts will shrink to nothing overnight. They will get smaller but the breasts aren't just going to disappear".Read more
It is very important to know that regular breast self-exam can help you know how your breasts normally feel and look, so you can notice any changes. Most breast changes or lumps can be discovered very early and many of them are not cancerous. Breast self-exam can also discover early stages of breast cancer. If breast cancer is found early, you can have more treatment choices and a better chances of recovery. So, it is very important to find breast cancer at early stages - as early as possible.Read more why, how often and how the breast self-exam should be done.
What is Menopause? When I should expect menopause? Menopause is the period of women life when menstrual cycles are stopped and women don’t have periods anymore. In general menopause could come at 50-55 but sometimes women could have early or late menopause. At menopause age women’s ovaries are not producing eggs anymore, levels of female hormones decreasing and as a consequence – women are not having periods anymore. If woman after 48-50 did not have menstruation (period) during one year – it means she is entering to the menopause period.
Read more about 35 symptoms of menopause.
The ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the cavity of the uterus. In most cases the ectopic pregnancies are found in the Fallopian tubes. The ectopic pregnancy is not usually surviving and in most cases an embryo is not developed. Usually the ectopic pregnancy is interrupting the development at certain period (kind of miscarriage). The majority of women with ectopic pregnancy should be operated or treated with medication.Read more about all symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.
What to do if you missed your period and plus you discovered some pregnancy symptoms like changes in your appetite, frequent urination, morning sickness, tender breasts, increased vaginal discharges and some other unusual feelings? You definitely need to prove that you are really pregnant or you need the confirmation for absence of the pregnancy. If you cannot go to your doctor yet, you could make your own home pregnancy test. Home kits as well as laboratory urine tests can give instant results. If you opted for these tests but remain doubtful, you could go to a clinic and have the test done by a health care practitioner.Read more about home pregnancy tests.
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. This virus may be passed from one person to another when infected blood, semen, or vaginal secretions come in contact with an uninfected person’s broken skin or mucous membranes. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their baby during pregnancy or delivery, as well as through breast-feeding. People with HIV have what is called HIV infection. Some of these people will develop AIDS as a result of their HIV infection. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.Read more about HIV and AIDS.
What is STD? STD or STDs are sexually transmitted diseases which you can easily catch during unprotected sex. Sometimes they called STIs – sexually transmitted infections. Sometimes they called Venereal disease. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites and viruses. There are more than 20 types of STDs, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes Simplex, HIV/AIDS, HPV, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis, Genital warts, Genital herpes, Pubic lice, Scabies, Thrush and Hepatitis.Discover more about STDs.
There is no best contraception for everybody but there is the best contraception strategy for everybody. It is Dual Contraception. What is it? It is simultaneous use of modern effective contraception by both partners which could be an ideal way to prevent both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Safe dual protection means mutual monogamy between healthy non-infected partners who chose to use modern effective contraception. Read more about dual contraception.
All young girls are dreaming about perfect body, following famous models. Sometimes it is ending very badly. Anorexia is an example how healthy girls can become extremely sick just trying to be “perfect”. What is anorexia? It is an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Anorexia usually begins in young people during puberty. Individuals suffering from anorexia have extreme weight loss. Weight loss is usually 10%-20% below the person's normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight. Read how anorexic girls are suffering.
You can call it period or menstruation, but it is the same thing. What is it? Menstruation is the shedding of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) accompanied by bleeding. It occurs every month at the end of your menstrual cycle. Menstruation is coming very regularly throughout a woman's reproductive life, except during pregnancy and during some diseases and treatments. Periods usually starts during puberty (at menarche) and stops permanently at menopause.Read more about periods.
Young girls are often concerned about their breast development. They are usually very impatient and always wish to have bigger breasts. But it is important to know that all girls in puberty are passing five stages of breast development which is crucial for future breast development.Read more about puberty breast development stages.
What is ovulation? How it is happening? Is it happening every month? Every month female ovaries begin to ripen several follicles, which is why days 1–14 are called the follicular phase. The number of active follicles changes with each cycle, but typically only one follicle per month in a single ovary becomes dominant over the others and produces a viable egg just before mid-cycle. This egg is actually ready for fertilization and future pregnancy.Read all details about ovulation and ovulation days.
If you don’t want to use any contraception for any reasons, what can you do to prevent unplanned and unwanted pregnancies? Is there any solution? Yes, if you would know very well the following: • your ovulation day; • your fertile and not fertile days; • women are fertile for about 24–48 hours around the time of ovulation (before and after ovulation); • sperm may be able to survive between six and seven days - if consider the most ideal conditions (ideal vaginal/uterine environments, fertile eggs, strong healthy sperm, etc).Read more about your fertile days.
Depo Provera is hormonal contraception – contraceptive injection. It contains a progestogen hormone which slowly releases into the body. Effectiveness is about 97-99%. Works by preventing ovulation and by causing a plug of mucus in the cervix that blocks sperm, and by thinning the lining of the uterus. The injection is needed every 8-12 weeks.Read more about advantages and disadvantages.
IUD is an intrauterine device which is a safe and effective method of reversible contraception. IUDs are small flexible devices made of metal and/or plastic; they may be inert, or may release copper or hormone. Any IUD prevents pregnancy by a combination of mechanisms of action, including: - Inhibition of sperm migration in the upper female genital tract; - Inhibition of ovum transport; - Inhibition of fertilization; - The levonorgestrel-releasing IUD, in addition to the above, causes changes in the amount and viscosity of the cervical mucus, inhibiting sperm penetration.Read more about advantages and disadvantages of IUDs.
What is Plan B? Sometimes it is called Emergency Contraception, Sometimes it is called Morning After Pills. What is it? – It is kind of contraception which can be used as an emergency procedure to prevent unwanted pregnancy which could happen after unprotected sexual intercourse. Plan B can be used in following cases: - when no contraceptive has been used, - when contraceptive methods failed (missed pills, condom rupture, diaphragm dislodgement, etc.), - when girl or woman has been a victim of the sexual attack (abuse).Read more and learn how to use Plan B.
What to prepare and what to use during menstruation. For making decision which kind of menstrual product to use during your period, first, you should know what is available. It can be a confusing task because they are so many choices on the market. How can you know which is the best for you and your lifestyle? - Sanitary Pads? Tampons? Cloth Menstrual Pads? Sea Sponge? Menstrual Cups?
Read more about available menstrual hygienic products and how to choose the right one for you.
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) was discovered in XX century in some women who during menstruation used old models of tampons (first tampon experiences). News appeared in public news in 1980s. Since then manufacturers changed dramatically the tampon production and the number of cases of TSS has dropped significantly. Other causes for toxic shock syndrome include the use of contraceptive diaphragms and vaginal sponges during menstruation.Read TSS symptoms and how prevent the possibility of TSS.
Tampons are one of menstrual products, like pads, and they are used to absorb menstrual flow. It is a soft cotton product - pressed together to form a cylinder-like shape, so that tampons can be easily inserted into the opening of the vagina. Each tampon absorbs the menstrual flow, or blood during limited period and the absorbed tampon should be taken off from the vagina in time (maximum after 8 hours). Tampons produced in different sizes and absorbencies. Each person should select tampon sizes according to the size of vagina and volume of menstrual or blood flow. You can find tampons in most convenience stores or supermarkets.Read and see how insert tampon correctly
There are several reasons and factors which can be responsible for irregular periods. Some most often factors you can find below:
* hormonal disturbances (PCOS, anovulation);
* stress;
* significant change in body weight (weight loss or weight gain);
* extensive physical exercises (championships, Olympics);
* poor nutrition and wrong diets;
* eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia). some drugs; * intensive smoking; …………Read more about irregular periods.
The effectiveness of different brands of birth control pills is fluctuating between 95% - 99% (if correctly used!). It is very important to highlight that you should take 1 pill every day at the same time until the packet is finished; you should not interrupt taking the pills before a packet is finished, even if you does not have sexual intercourse. If you bought the 28-pill packet, you should start a new packet without a break the day after you finish the previous packet. If you have the 21-pill packet, you should skip 7 days before starting a new packet. If the pills are taken correctly, you will always start a new packet on the same day of the week. It is very important to emphasize the importance of not forgetting any pill. If you miss one or more hormonal pills, you may have some spotting or breakthrough bleeding and, more importantly, you will be at a greater risk of becoming pregnant. The greatest risk is when you miss hormonal pills at the beginning or at the end of the cycle, because that is equivalent to prolonging the interval during which you do not take hormonal pills.Read more about what to do if you missed one or few pill
In general pills are very popular. Often pills called also “birth control pills” and/or “combined pills” and/or “combined oral contraceptives (COC)”. The effectiveness of different brands is fluctuating between 95% - 99% (if correctly used!). Combined pills contain estrogens and progesterone (or similar gestagens). The contraceptive effect of COCs is mainly due to inhibition of ovulation; they also cause thickening of the cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to pass into the uterine cavity and move towards the fallopian tubes. The receptivity of the uterus (endometrium) to the fertilized eggs is also reduced. It is very important to mention that different brands suit different persons.
Pills are available in packets of:
21 pills, where 1 pill containing the oestrogen/progestogen combination is taken every day for 21
days, then a break from pill-taking occurs for 7 days before starting a new packet; and
28 pills, where 1 pill containing the oestrogen/progestogen combination is taken every day for 21
days then, instead of a break, 7 placebo or iron pills are taken as the other pills in each packet to
complete a full 28-day cycle.
Read more about birth control pills
There is only one kind of contraception which can prevent pregnancy and control your menstrual cycle. It is hormonal contraception. There are several kinds of hormonal contraception:
1. Combined oral contraception,
2. Progestogen-only pills,
3. Progestogen-only injectable contraception,
4. Combined injectable contraception,
5. Subdermal implants.
The main mechanism of hormonal contraception based on blockade of the ovulation.
No ovulation – no pregnancy.
If you are ready and if you already decided to start your sexual life – better visit your doctor for selection of the most convenient contraception for you. In general all girls and women can use hormonal contraception but sometimes you could have contraindications.
Please read instructions very careful.