If you had decidual bleeding (“period-like” bleeding), it means you are pregnant. But in reality evaluation of the bleeding ONLY could create mistakes. It is always better to have second confirmation of the pregnancy - it could be basal temperature, it could be home pregnancy test or pregnancy test in laboratory. Discover all about DECIDUAL BLEEDING in ...
Many women can experience episodes of bleeding during first trimester of pregnancy - bleeding could be brown or red, light and short. Some women (mothers and grandmothers) tell about periods during first 1-2 months of pregnancy. But in reality it is not normal menstrual period but it is so called "decidual bleeding". Discover ALL about period during pregnancy in ...
This question is asked many times by women who are concerned about healthy pregnancy. Many happy pregnant women could have so called "decidual bleeding" which could be pretty stressful for pregnant woman. In general, women health is very important during pregnancy and knowledge about all pregnancy steps and all possible risks should be introduced to each pregnant woman (especially to young women with first pregnancy).So, what is decidual bleeding? - is it a symptom of pregnancy or is it a signal for pregnancy complications and risks? Discover ALL about DECIDUAL BLEEDING in ...
Weight control is impossible without calorie counting. Overeating and lack of physical activity are the main causes of overweight and obesity. Daily calorie counter can be very useful tool in weight management. Calorie counter can indicate daily calories burned and daily calories intake. Modern calorie counters can provide much more information and could be very much personalized – it could include your weight target, your daily “passive” calories burned, activity alarms and much more. Discover ALL about CALORIE COUNTER & WEIGHT CONTROL in ...
What you know about baby sex prediction?There are several modern methods which could predict baby sex before and after conception.Discover ALL possible BABY GENDER PREDICTION methods in ...
Menopause is a naturally occurring stage in women life – it is a time of the end of women’s reproductive function and reproductive years. Medically menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months. Usually menopause happens between the ages of 45 and 55. But sometimes women could experience menopause much earlier because of surgical procedures such as bilateral oophorectomy (surgically removed ovaries). It almost always occurs with hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Discover ALL about SURGINAL MENOPAUSE in ...