You are still very young and it is a right time to start your sexual life. You are already in love and you are planning your first time sex. You already know that for protection from sexually transmitted diseases you need to use a condom. You also know that condom can protect from unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. So, decision is made - you should use a condom. But question is how to use it and how to wear a condom correctly.Discover all about first condom use.
In general pills are very popular. Often pills called also “birth control pills” and/or “combined pills” and/or “combined oral contraceptives (COC)”. The effectiveness of different brands is fluctuating between 95% - 99% (if correctly used!). You should take 1 pill every day at the same time until the packet is finished; you should not interrupt taking the pills before a packet is finished, even if you does not have sexual intercourse.I would like to emphasize the importance of not forgetting any pill. If you miss one or more hormonal pills, you may have some spotting or breakthrough bleeding and, more importantly, you will be at a greater risk of becoming pregnant. The greatest risk is when you miss hormonal pills at the beginning or at the end of the cycle, because that is equivalent to prolonging the interval during which you do not take hormonal pills.Discover what to do if you missed 1 pill, 2 pills, 3 pills.
Modern medicine provides pretty effective treatments for many diseases including menstrual dysfunctions, irregular periods, yeast infection, menstrual cramps, vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, bleeding and abnormal periods, vaginal odor, acne, body odor, etc. But do you know how many side effects have these medical treatments? Do you know natural alternatives? How much you know about possibilities and effectiveness of some natural remedies which are very cheap and sometimes more effective for increasing your libido, improving your menstrual cycle, treating unpleasant vaginal and body odor and making your life more comfortable and pleasant.Discover several effective natural and home remedies for many conditions.
There are many variations of puberty and the timing of puberty in girls can vary considerably. In some cases girls can already feel changes as early as 8 years of age. At the same time other girls of the similar age do not begin their adolescent development until age 13. In average girls usually take 3 to 3 ½ years to complete their pubertal development, but this process could take from 2 to 6 years to complete.Puberty includes the complex of physical and emotional changes. Mood swings, easy anger and loss of emotional control are common. The emotional turbulence may last longer than the time span of physical development.You would like to know when to expect your first period? You would like to know more about breast development and bigger breasts? You need to know about first time sex? About personal hygiene? - Discover all in ...
Unfortunately there is no best contraception for everybody because all kinds of contraception have contraindications and side effects and each person has different health and age status. If pills are perfect for one person, they could be terrible for another person. Contraception for regular periods could be different for irregular periods. Contraception for women before 30 are different from contraception for older women after 35. Contraception for smokers is different from contraception for not smokers. Contraception for women with acne and hirsutism is different from contraception for women with clean skin. Contraception for monogam partners is different from contraception for couples who change sexual partners very often. But what everybody are looking is Safer Sex.Is there best method of contraception? Answer is YES - best method of contraception is dual contraception which prevent from unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Discover more ...