Uterine unexpected bleeding is always a concern for girls and women at any stage of life. Bleeding instead of normal menstrual period and even very heavy menstrual flow can be great cause for alarm.Dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs most commonly at the beginning and end of the reproductive years: 20% of cases occur in adolescent girls, and more than 50% occur in women older than 45. In about 90% of cases, the ovaries do not release an egg (ovulate) which means in most cases of bleeding the ovulation is not happening.Discover all causes of uterine bleeding.
The amount of discharge varies from girls to girls and from woman to woman. Different persons have different opinions of what is normal. But if it always involves using panty shields, or changing protection or underwear several times a day, then it is probably heavier than normal.The amount of discharge is often influenced by hormonal changes in the woman's body. The week before a period, being pregnant or using the oral contraceptive pills are all typically associated with an increase in vaginal discharge. A normal physiological discharge is usually clear and/or transparent, creamy and/or very slightly yellow.Read and discover everything about discharge as a symptom of several diseases.
Brown Discharge is one of common concerns of girls and women. Not all cases of brown vaginal discharge are cause for concern. Brown vaginal discharge is most often associated with old endometrial tissues.
Brown vaginal discharge can also be a symptom of a medical concern that is much more sinister than leftover endometrial cells. Some of these conditions include Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), menopause, sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, Chlamydia or genital warts) or cervical cancer.
Discover below all causes of brown discharge.
With all of the negative publicity about smoking, why do so many women and teenage girls continue to smoke? Teenagers vastly underestimate the addiction potential of nicotine. A woman who begins smoking when she is very young will have a very difficult time quitting as she ages and becomes more concerned with the health consequences. Studies show that most teenage girls who smoke want to quit, and 77% of them have tried.Discover more why teenage girls are targeted ...
This is an old practice of taking out the erected penis from vagina just before the ejaculation. The benefits involved are that it is safe, simple, without any cost and a widely accepted method. But the disadvantages with this are that it depends on the decision of the male partner. It also hampers sexual pleasure and if routinely practiced may cause neurosis in thecouple. As regards the effectiveness - the pregnancy rate is 35 per 100 women year. Failure in this method is due to leaking of sperm into vagina just before the ejaculation. This method mainly depends on the exact time of withdrawal before ejaculation which may be difficult to achieve. Even if the couple succeeds on many occasions it may fail any single occasion. Discover more ...
This method is based upon observation of Ogino, in 1930 in Japan and Knaus, in 1933 in Austria.This method is based on an observation that the ovulation in females takes place 2 weeks before menses. Now as we know that the menses cycles in women may not be on precise day every month, the calculation of the safe period is done on the basis of duration of 12 previous cycles. First note down the shortest and the longest cycles during the last 12 cycles.The first fertile day will be minus 18 days from shortest cycle.The last fertile day would be minus 11 days from the longest cycle.You can discover examples how to calculate your safe days.
ELISA Test (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays)This test uses two monoclonal antibodies to detect colour change. In this test urine is tested using this kit daily from 12th day of cycle for 5-9 days. The colour change is detected due to LH surge prior to ovulation. The women can thus find out the day of ovulation. Discover more about ovulation.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a serious infection in the upper genital tract which called female reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries). PID can be sexually transmitted or naturally occurring. In most cases PID is caused by a type of bacteria, often the same type that is responsible for several sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. In some cases, PID develops from bacteria that have traveled through the vagina and the cervix by way of an intrauterine device (IUD).Discover PID symptoms and treatment as well as how to avoid PID.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and/or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are group of diseases which are passed on through intimate sexual contacts. Sometimes they called Venereal disease. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are passed from person to person during intimate sexual contact. You can catch STIs through: having unprotected vaginal sex, having unprotected anal sex, having unprotected oral sex, or having genital contact with an infected partner.Discover more about STDs.
Menstrual cramps are pains in the abdominal (belly) and pelvic areas that are experienced by a woman as a result of her menstrual period. Many women suffer from menstrual cramps.Menstrual cramps can range from mild to quite severe. Mild menstrual cramps may be barely noticeable and of short duration - sometimes felt just as a sense of light heaviness in the belly. Severe menstrual cramps can be so painful that they interfere with a woman's regular activities for several days.You can discover all causes of the menstrual cramps;You can discover home remedies for menstrual cramps;You can discover medical treatment for menstrual cramps.
Vaginal yeast infection is the most common type of yeast infection. You can discover symptoms, causes and medical treatment of the vaginal yeast infection on the following page.Do you know that vaginal yeast infection is totally curable with home remedies which include Tea tree oil, garlic, Yogurt, Curds, Honey, Apple cider vinegar, Boric acid, Cranberry juice, Potassium sorbate and Mixture of olive leaf extract.Most of these home remedies have been tried and tested for their efficacy. You can usually cure yourself in the privacy of your home without the need to visit your doctor.
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