The female condom is made of soft pliable polyurethane pre-lubricated with a silicone-based substance (dimethicone). It is inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse. An inner ring is used for insertion and holds the condom in place high in vagina; an outer ring lies flat and covers the labia during sexual intercourse. After ejaculation, the female condom retains the seminal fluid, preventing it from coming into contact with the cervix.
Discover more about female condoms.
This condom is a sheath made to fit over the erect penis. It collects semen and acts as a barrier preventing passage of sperm into the vagina. The condom is available rolled in individual packets, and is unrolled onto the erect penis before intercourse.Most condoms are made of thin latex rubber.When used correctly at every act of intercourse, the condom can be a reasonably effective method of contraception. The latex condom is also an effective barrier to protect against the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including transmission of HIV/AIDS. To insure full effectiveness of the condom, it is necessary to use condom correctly.
Read detailed instructions "How to wear condom correctly".
Missed period can be an alarm for pregnancy but missed menstruation not always means pregnancy. Your cycle could be missed if you had a stress (sometimes exams, meek love or fight with loved ones, family arguments, conflicts with friends), if you are sick (flue, some infection diseases, diabetes, endocrine diseases), if you dramatically loose or gain a weight (anorexia, obesity), if you have some hormonal disturbances in your reproductive system, etc.
There are several reasons why your period could be late.
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Do you know everything about modern contraception? Many people think they know everything about contraception but unfortunately very little number of people know correct information about positive and negative side effects of different contraceptives.
Do you know that when no contraception is used, more than 80 in 100 sexually active women become pregnant within 1 year. It means the possibility of the pregnancy in women who have regular sexual relations is only 80%.
Do you know that no method of contraception is absolutely 100% reliable? The reliability for each method is given in percentages. For example, the contraceptive injection is more than 99% effective. This means that less than 1 woman in 100 will become pregnant each year using this method of contraception.
Do you know that the effectiveness of some methods depends on how you use them. You have to use them properly, or they may lose their effect. For example, different pills can be effective up to 99% if taken correctly (according to instruction). If you missed a pills, then it becomes less effective.
Some contraception methods depend not so much on user and need to be renewed only infrequently or never. These methods are injections, implants, IUDs and sterilization.
Discover everything about modern contraception.