Vaginal discharge is the result of secretions produced from small glands in the lining of the vagina and the cervix. All women have a little discharge starting a year or two before puberty and ending after the menopause. How much discharge a woman notices changes from time to time and it will change quite a lot between periods. Different persons can have different volume of “normal” discharge depending on age, cycle periods, hormonal balance and sexual activities.
What is normal discharge?
The amount of discharge varies from girls to girls and from woman to woman. Different persons have different opinions of what is normal. But if it always involves using panty shields, or changing protection or underwear several times a day, then it is probably heavier than normal.
The amount of discharge is often influenced by hormonal changes in the woman's body. The week before a period, being pregnant or using the oral contraceptive pills are all typically associated with an increase in vaginal discharge. A normal physiological discharge is usually clear and/or transparent, creamy and/or very slightly yellow.
When to be worried?
- If you noticed sudden increase of the amount of discharge;
- If you noticed changes of color of discharge (“unusual color”) - from yellow-whitish to brownish, reddish or greenish;
- If you noticed unusual smell of your discharge.
Read more about different types of discharge and self evaluation.